Joint Chemical Biology Division – Gemeinsame Fachgruppe Chemische Biologie



The elucidation of biological processes by using small molecule probes which influence protein functions and interactions, is at the heart of chemical biology. This interdisciplinary research field, for example, has great value for the systematic analysis of inter-and intracellular signalling pathways, providing the basis for the development of innovative new drugs.


Chemical biology requires the collaboration between organic chemists, molecular biologists, physicians, pharmacists, computer scientists and engineers. The German Pharmaceutical Society (Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft e.V., DPhG), the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie e.V., GBM), the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V., GDCh) and the DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology therefore founded the Joint Chemical Biology Division (Gemeinsame Fachgruppe Chemische Biologie). Currently, this group counts over 400 members.


The Joint Chemical Biology Division aims to bring together interested colleagues from universities, other public institutions and industry in joint research projects for the development and application of bioactive substances. The group founded and established ChemBioNet as an experts and resource network to support chemical biology in academic basic research. ChemBioNet is providing the necessary infrastructure in form of centralized screening centres. Currently, the Joint Chemical Biology Division supports the expansion of ChemBioNet into a European infrastructure within the framework of the ESFRI initiative "EU-OPENSCREEN".


Homepage of the Joint Chemical Biology Division

Flyer of the Joint Chemical Biology Division (engl)